OKCS, the Active Pioneer Company in Tehran Bourse - مجله کوروش - Ofoq Kourosh Chain Store

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OKCS, the Active Pioneer Company in Tehran Bourse

OKCS, the Active Pioneer Company in Tehran Bourse

Tehran Bourse announced that OKCS has been put among the 50 top active companies.


The OKCS public relations reports that the company introduced as being active in Tehran Bourse latest update in the second quarter of the current solar year.

The active companies in Tehran Bourse are being evaluated through the liquidity of the respective company stock in the stock halls and the company's impact on the market. The company's liquidity of stock, the company's impact on the market and the quality of the financial ratio are regarded as the most influential factors by which the stocks of a company may get a pioneer or prominent stand in the national and international markets.

Ofoq-e Koorosh Chain Store company has been admitted as the first chain store in Tehran Bourse in Azar, 1397 (December 2018). The initial release for the company's stock has been offered in Tehran Bourse on Bahman 1397 (2019 Feb. 16) and have been most welcome by the capital market activists. The company's stocks value grew by 250% by now.


Tehran Bourse
stock halls
Ofoq-e Koorosh
Chain Store



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